Customisable hand-tufted wool square rugs by rug couture

Our customisable hand-tufted square black check rugs provide a high quality look within a short timeframe. All designs are fully customisable - edit colours and choose your size, shape and select required pile depth. All designs can be reproduced in pure wool or New Zealand wool.

1-79 of 79 rugs
Picnic Rug ID 638989 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1023967 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462096 from £202 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194383 from £202 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637342 from £204 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194379 from £202 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637533 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 1025046 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670837 from £204 m²
Picnic Rug ID 638993 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637498 from £204 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194523 from £202 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637230 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670673 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461980 from £202 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480560 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637237 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637233 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637229 from £204 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639101 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461964 from £202 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480580 from £210 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639293 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462236 from £202 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727005 from £213 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194391 from £202 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670685 from £204 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639157 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637397 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670973 from £204 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727157 from £213 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194399 from £202 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727001 from £213 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727101 from £213 m²
Picnic Rug ID 638997 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1023966 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461968 from £202 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194395 from £202 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637242 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462112 from £202 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670937 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670677 from £204 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639001 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480836 from £210 m²
Wizard Rug ID 726989 from £213 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670781 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637234 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480572 from £210 m²
Wizard Rug ID 726993 from £213 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670681 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461960 from £202 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480556 from £210 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194555 from £202 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639005 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480712 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637246 from £204 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461972 from £202 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461956 from £202 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461976 from £202 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480568 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480564 from £210 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194387 from £202 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639257 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637398 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480696 from £210 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727257 from £213 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194667 from £202 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637241 from £204 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194403 from £202 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727293 from £213 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637245 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637497 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637238 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637341 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480576 from £210 m²
Wizard Rug ID 726997 from £213 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670669 from £204 m²
Wizard Rug ID 1025666 from £213 m²
Picnic Rug ID 1023946 from £204 m²
1-79 of 79 designs